Hello World 👋

Hi, I’ve been meaning to start a blog for a long time. I believe that writing down the things I learn on a daily basis will help me remember them more easily and provide others with something to read. It will also force me to think about ideas and articulate them, rather than just keeping it in my head.

This is my third attempt at starting a blog. The first attempt was on Medium, but I felt that I wanted my own space to present my thoughts. The second attempt involved creating a Next.js blog template from scratch, but it turned out to be more work than I had anticipated. I was spending more time polishing the blog’s backend code than actually posting content. It gave me a false sense of achievement, even though I was really just procrastinating. 🙇🏻

I was caught up in making every aspect perfect that I forgot the actual thing I wanted to do.I’ve decided to let go of the targeting perfection and just start writing. So, I’ve chosen to set up a simple Hugo blog without many bells and whistles. My main focus will be on writing regularly.

I have a list of topics that I want to write about and will try to publish them on a regular basis. I also plan to introduce more sections to my blog, like the books, research papers i read and a comments section

➡️ my first post

PS: Why trying to be perfect won’t help you acheive your goals - James Clear